EP 67
Story of Possibilities
with Elicia Azali
Matt Story | 5/29/2022
Elicia Azali, Mother Hustler and American Family Enterprise Chief Marketing Officer, shares in our conversation that she has been grindin' her whole life. When looking at her list of accomplishments (e.g., Ad Age 40 under 40) , it would seem that has paid off for her and the organizations she has joined through her journey. She was able to recognize early on that what made her unique and different is also what made her powerful. Her story is definitely one of unlimited possibilities thanks to the community that poured into her along the journey.
You will learn:
That no one gets their start on day 1 at a new job or company or even career. It is important for leaders to recognize this and understand we are all pulling from different starting points and experiences.
The importance of not limiting yourself. Many times the obstacle or hurdle standing in the way to your goals and aspirations can be you.
The beauty of pouring into the next generation and showing them what could be possible.
Connect with Elicia at:Twitter / LinkedIn
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